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Our Research

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Live traction force microscopy

We develop a novel high spatiotemporal traction force microscopy method that can be easily applied for 2D, 2.5D, and 3D substrate.

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Andy and me collaboration .png


Fibroblast vs Synthetic cell

Left: Fibroblast adhered to a fibronectin micropatterned line. Actin filaments are stained in red and the nucleus in blue. 
Right: Giant unilamellar vesicle (GUV) with a biotinylated lipid adhered to a micropatterned streptavidin line.

Gallery: Welcome

Membrane curvature

Super-resolution imaging of HeLa cells stably expressing GFP-tagged AP2 seeded on covalently bound 100nm silica nanoparticles using STED microscopy. The cell membrane can be seen curving around the nanoparticle whilst AP2 is recruited at the endocytic hotspot.

COMP_sample 2 cell1_zstackP_tlapse_membrane.png
sample 1 Atto647 cell5_FOV_composite.tif
sample 1 Atto647 cell2_zstackP_tlapse_composite.tif
Gallery: About

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